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ASR MELOR NG is an Airfield Surveillance Radar (ASR) system designed and developed by Zetro Technology Sdn Bhd. It is the manifestation of radar expertise and experience acquired over nearly decades. Zetro's pioneering and bold venture into this high tech domain is aimed at satisfying the national aspirations of self reliance and meeting the demand for a reliable, safe and efficient in-house ATC System for civil and military applications.


The ASR Melor 087 NG radar sensors include a Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) co-located with a Mode S capable Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) system. The fully ICAO compliant ASR Melor 087 features state-of-the-art, open architecture, modular and field proven software hosted on a redundant COTS hardware thus ensuring high reliability, 24/7 operational availability, low life cycle cost and ease of operations, training and maintenance.

The fully redundant PSR sensor incorporates the following features:

  • Modular and softly degradable solid state S Band transmitters

  • Extremely low noise high gain LNA receivers.

  • Modern DSP powered Radar Data Extractors employing the state of the art signal processing techniques to provide an uninterrupted radar coverage of targets with 2m² and above over instrumented range of 60nm up to 40K ft over 360° under all weather conditions. 


The Melor 087 NG MSSR is a state of the art, fully solid state, ICAO, Euro control and NATO compliant SSR/IFF Interrogator system employing a Large Vertical Aperture (LVA) antenna, redundant transmitters, receivers and MSSR Extractor to provide coverage up to 200nm and an altitude not less than 40kft over 360°.



The basic configuration includes Mode 1,2, 3/A and C. They are fully compatible for an upgrade to Mode S applications. The more accurate, reliable and efficient monopulse technique and advanced processing including GTC, IISLS, RSLS features provides relatively more efficient and safe Air Traffic Management environment.

The Melor 087 NG Radar/Flight Data Processing and Display Sytem (RDP&DS) is modular and entirely a COTS based hardware which runs a LINUX-based OS environment The system software us designed and customised to fulfill the RMAF ATC operational requirements. The Air Traffic Controller is provided with a radar display and tabular display.  The following parameters are displayed over 100 selectable and ATC operator generated geographical maps on the radar display:

  • Analogue radar video (Raw, AMTD)

  • Meteorological video

  • Radar plots up to 1000 tracks with labels.

The second monitor displays essential real time flight information, ATM information, equipment, weather status and efficient ATC operations. ​

The RDP&DS is connected to the local radar sensor over a fibre optic data link and a local AFTN to receive, process and display a comprehensive and accurate real time air traffic situational picture. There is also a combination with several safety alerts and warnings including MSAW, STCA, CLAM, DAIW on several Controller Work Positions for reliable, safe and efficient ATC operations. The proposed Melor 087 RDP&DS software is an upgraded version of the operational program designed based on Zetro's extensive experience and anticipated ATC operational requirements. The pioneer software was delivered to the RMAF in June 2006 and has successfully operated at two RMAF ARC centers without any failure since. The field-proven, reliable, user-friendly and efficient operational software has receiver the acceptance and approval of the RMAF ATCO community and has naturally presented itself as an optimum and definite choice for the future to ensure efficiency and commonality of ATC operations within RMAF.

About Us


Zetro is a major Defence and Aerospace company within the Malaysian market and is a leading technology provider in the fields of Ground Electronics and Avionics. ZETRO serves in the domains of air defence, air traffic control, maritime vessel traffic management, artillery and missile control systems, and aircraft avionics. We are principally engaged in providing services that include maintenance, overhaul, design, and building of radar systems, upgrade of sensors, command and control, associated communication systems, and servicing avionics systems.



Lot 762, 1, Lengkok Emas, Kawasan Perindustrian Nilai, Negeri Sembilan,


606-7971 640

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